UN General Assembly prepares to discuss Youth globally

July 22, 2011 in Ecumenism, Justice, LWF, Youth, Youth participation

Daan Leker from the Netherlands and Warime Guti from Papua-New Guinea are already on their way to represent LWF Youth at the United Nations High-level meeting of the General Assembly on Youth.

They are having some tough days ahead of them. At the United Nations in New York, they are going to attend full days of meetings and will also participate in the many of the side events.

LWF Youth, together the World Council of Churches, the World Student Christian Federation and ICSM Pax Romana, had submitted a statement to prepare the UN meeting. It will be interesting to see how our demands are being followed up.

You can stay in touch with the events by reading this blog, following on facebook or even watch the webstream of the proceedings.