Jóvenes Luteranos de Argentina y Uruguay Se Reúnen en Buenos Aires

August 25, 2011 in Church, Latin America/Carribean, Youth, Youth Ministry, Youth participation

Foto: Martin Diaz/Archivo IELU

Por Martin Ignacio Diaz Velasquez.

Comunicaciones IELU.

Jóvenes luteranos de toda Argentina y Uruguay se reunieron durante tres días para celebrar el Encuentro Sinodal de Jóvenes de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida, en el cual se desarrollo el taller de empoderamiento para las y los jóvenes lideres de las comunidades.

Gustavo Gomez, Pastor de la comunidad de Comodoro Rivadavia llamo a los jóvenes a que ejercieran su empoderamiento, pues ellos planteaban que empoderarse es capacitarse, a lo cual el Pastor agrego ¨podemos estar capacitados para realizar muchas tareas, pero si nosotros no ejercemos esa capacidad no lograremos un verdadero empoderamiento¨.

Muchos de los jóvenes demostraron sumo interés en este llamado, en especial aquellos que provenían de la comunidad de Oberá, una comunidad que se dividió de manera abrupta y que se resiste a desaparecer gracias al empoderamiento que sus jóvenes comienzan a ejercer.

En el marco de este encuentro sinodal de jóvenes se reunió la junta directiva de la IELU, la cual discutió temas de suma importancia para el futuro cercano de la iglesia.

Por su parte el Pastor Presidente, Revdo. Alan Eldrid se hizo presente en el Taller de Empoderamiento de Jóvenes Lideres, en el cual desarrollo de manera muy detallada la historia de la juventud de la IELU.

Young Christians promote peace - youth report online

July 12, 2011 in Church, Ecumenism, Enviroment, Faith, Justice, Latin America/Carribean, Youth, Youth participation


Many of you followed the young Lutherans who joined others in promoting peace in the International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (they posted here, here, here, and here).

The youth contributions of this meeting have now been collected in a report. You can download the pdf here.

HIV and Youth in the rural areas

July 10, 2011 in Church, Faith, HIV/Aids, Justice, Latin America/Carribean, Life, Poverty, Youth, Youth Ministry, Youth participation

The Nicaraguan Lutheran Church of Faith and Hope(ILFE) held the first fair of HIV in the community of “El Bonete”, the municipality of Villanueva, in the department of Chinandega, a region that has the highest rates of HIV in Nicaragua.

The activity began with a video forum, on Friday, the first of July, which simply reflects the reality of HIV in rural areas, based on experiences and real situations. For lack of information in rural areas, HIV is something like from another universe, something that only can be concerned to homosexuals, sex workers or often they simply ignore the subject. Through the video participants could see a reality reflected in the context of their identify such as machism, migration, poverty, stigma, which are factors that make them vulnerable to disease. The video also show how some churches and its vision about the subject in the rural areas often becomes an obstacle because the disease is seen as a punishment from God, what makes very difficult for the Lutheran Church to convince the people of their comunities that’s it’s very important to inform about prevention and show a God of love.

On Saturday, the second of July, ILFE in collaboration with CISAS, the Health Center of “El Bonete”, offered to the people of the community making free HIV tests. Some youth from the church are certified to provide the counseling pre test and post test in wich they give some explanations about the basic concepts, the function and the expiration of the test before taking the blood sample. They gave clear and accurate information about HIV, while waiting on the result.

Delsis Lainez, 20, a young leader of the Lutheran Church’s community “El Bonete”, told us that during the week he was trying to promote the activity. They went from house to house to invite the people to participate in the program and the free HIV test, he hang up posters with information on HIV and went to the radio.

“This activity seems wonderful, we have never done anything like this before in the community. People don’t know yet anything about the subject, that’s why I think the contribution of the Church is great, especially for women and youth”, said Delsis.

The medical students of the Church realized a total of 55 tests, mostly young women and housewives. This latter group claimed that they were sent by their husbands to get tested because “if they went negative,” they also were. In a community like “El Bonete”, where there is a lot of stigma and fear of getting tested, the majority of the people is thinking that the disease is far away from themself. But they do not take into account that many times men are partakers of irresponsible sexual practices with multiple partners without using protection.

While the mothers got tested, the children enjoyed games, piñatas in charge of the youth ministry of the Church who also painted the faces of the children with fun designs.

During the fair they delivered materials and brochures containing information about the virus and the health center of “El Bonete” gave condoms to the participants.

There was also a performance of a soccer league in order to attract young people and inform them about the activity and encourage them to get tested.
Because in rural areas young people begin to have work responsibilities and families from an early age on, for example a lot of girls get married at the age of 15.

At the end of the two days Taira Paola Baenz, one of the community leaders, confirmed that she was very happy about the activity. He told that for the community it was a very important day because many people are unaware of the issue and this somehow awakens them. “Knowledge and information and most importantly, the test was being offered free of charge! So hopefully a lot of people today realized the importance of the sexual education”.

Peace starts with us!

May 23, 2011 in Africa, Asia/Pacific, Church, Ecumenism, Enviroment, Europe, Faith, Justice, Latin America/Carribean, Life, LWF, LWF together - the earth needs you, Middle East, North America, Spirituality, Youth participation

Introduction to the WCC IEPC and Peace with the Earth

Greetings from Kingston, Jamaica! We are participating in the World Council of Churches (WCC) International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) along with about 1000 people from around the world and WCC member churches.

The theme of the convocation is “Glory to God and Peace on Earth.” The main objectives for the IEPC are many, but most broadly:

  1. Sharing inspirations and reflections
  2. Network-building, strategy development and other actions.

This is a harvesting event and celebration for the Decade to Overcome Violence. This is not a decision-making body, but rather a group that will crystallize emerging peace issues on the way to the 2013 WCC Assembly in Busan, South Korea.

The four themes of our days together are:

  1. Peace in the Community
  2. Peace with the Earth
  3. Peace in the Marketplace
  4. Peace Among the Peoples.

Today, we will focus on Peace with the Earth.

Part of our life together at the convocation includes bible study. The text for “Peace with the Earth” is Isaiah 11:6-9. Take a look at the text. Share it with your friends. To start your conversation, here are two questions:

What does the ‘knowledge of the Lord’ refer to in this passage?
Is the world painted in this passage possible?

In the daily plenary, the focus was to: Raise awareness on the various threats to creation, present churches’ statements and actions addressing caring for creation, offer theological and spiritual insights from various religious perspectives on peace and creation, and share practical examples on what churches can do on peace with the earth.

As three young people from the LWF, we felt connected to this work, since this same theme, sustainability (with a focus on climate change and food security) was expressed as an emerging issue among the youth at the 2010 Lutheran World Federation (LWF) assembly. Currently, groups of young people from around the LWF communion are reflecting together on bible texts that relate to this theme. Groups are sharing with one another through the worldwide web—a very “green” option!

One of the objectives of LWF Together is to use the outcomes from the bible studies and reflections to work toward sustainability in your own community. Peace with the earth begins with us!

For more information visit www.lwfyouth.org.

In a d’ Lates (Compliments of Peter Powell, Campus Security),

Daniele, Mikka and Sanna

P.S. Come back again soon! During the week, we will take turns reflecting on the remaining three themes.