Name: Caroline Foster
Age: 28
Country of Origin: Canada
Church of Origin: Works as the network and young adult coordinator for KAIROS: Canadian Ecumenical Justice Initiatives. KAIROS unites 11 churches and faith-based organizations in faithful action for justice and peace. Attends a Presbyterian church in Toronto.
What is really important in my life: Family, friends, and working for a more just and sustainable community locally and globally. I find that the more I learn about the world, the more work I see that needs to be done to ensure that this planet can sustain future generations. As a person whose daily life is not directly adversely affected by climate change, I feel a deep sense of responsibility for the impact my country has had on marginalized communities at home and abroad.
What my wishes are for the negotiations on Climate Change in Durban: It is my hope that the world leaders will commit to a long-term sustainable plan to reduce global warming. I hope that the leaders from the Global North will commit to dealing with the ecological debt owed to the majority world and that a plan that incorporates the voices and perspectives of the Global South would be put into action.
What would you like to do so that your church/country becomes more environmentally just? The experience and learning that I hope to gain from the programme will assist me in facilitating workshops and planning events related to eco-justice. KAIROS has two explicit foci; human rights and ecological justice. KAIROS has recently identified working with and engaging youth in those program areas as a priority and a major component of the strategic plan for the coming years. Over the next year, we are looking at hosting youth ecumenical gatherings across Canada. I believe that my experience at Youth for Eco-Justice will be useful in helping to shape these gatherings. I believe that as a young person I have the opportunity and responsibility to work towards a more sustainable and environmentally just future for my children and all of God’s creation.