Country: Mozambique
Church: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique
Occupation: Student of theology
Project: Musical and English Training for the Youth in the Church and from the Community
Short description:
The goal of the project is to train youth in Mozambique within the church and society in music instrument playing (guitar, piano, tromped) and English classes for a period of nine months.
Project details
At end of September 2009, 30 youth are trained and able to perform Musical Instruments (Guitar, Trumpets and Piano) and acquainted with English (written & spoken) skills.
Goal achieved?
The goal was mostly achieved. However, only 26 young people completed the project.
Successes and challenges
It was a great a success that none of those who committed to the class dropped out. This despite the fact that the circumstances of life were quite challenging for them.
It was a major challenge when the English teacher became sick and the group had to organize together with the pastor a new solution.
- Guitar classes
- English classes
- Piano classes
- Trumpet classes
- Drama based on biblical stories
- Bible studies
Number of people involved?
What did you learn personally?
“If people really want something, they do it with much energy.”