The Process

The process of the preparation of young delegates and stewards to the assembly in Stuttgart is divided into four major stages:

- The Preparation process: The participants are connected already 6 months prior to the conference by email communication, blog and social networking ( The purpose of this phase is for them to acquire the necessary knowledge about the LWF (eg. through online quizzes), the composition of the world wide communion and the concerns of young people in other parts of the world. Social networking makes it possible to have personal contact already prior to the start of the conference across the continents.

Many participants (namely the young delegates) meet already during the Regional Pre-Assemblies. These encounters are important to foster regional community among the youth participants and also strengthen participation in the global process.

- The Pre-Assembly Youth Conference: During the conference, the participants are reflecting interculturally on the meaning of Lutheran identity in today’s world, define their major advocacy goals in the LWF and beyond, learn relevant skills for outcome-oriented interactions with young people and prepare themselves for meaningful participation in the General Assembly.

- The LWF Assembly: The young participants take active part in the Assembly and advocate for their perspectives. This way, they learn in conversation with other generations to modify and improve their demands but also about how to interact with the church leadership level back home.

- The Follow-up process: After the Assembly, the young participants become a “community of action” advising and encouraging each other using similar means like during the preparation phase. This follow-up phase will be planned already during the Pre-Assembly and then facilitated by a small group of people from all regions.


2 thoughts on “The Process

  1. Mal was Anderes. Macht weiter so.

  2. Mircea says:

    At last! Someone with real exeptrsie gives us the answer. Thanks!

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