Skill-building workshops

1. Writing for Policy and Advocacy:

What are the steps that lead to clear and effective writing for policy and advocacy purposes? This workshop will examine the concepts and processes involved, including:

v analysis of a problem or concern, research, and definition of the relevant issue/s (“What is the problem?”)

v identification of the desired change/s (“How do we want things to change?”)

v consensus-building within a group (“Do we all agree?”)

v identification of the relevant actors/agents to be addressed, and the potential obstacles to change (“Who are we talking to, and why mightn’t they listen?”)

v writing that is concise, persuasive and effective for positive change (“What is our message, and which are the right words?”)

v formulation of advocacy approaches appropriate to the addressees and the context (“What is our strategy?”)

v the art of negotiation and compromise (“How flexible can we be?”)

This workshop is going to write the draft of the message of the Pre-Assembly Youth Conference based on the three key issues that have been identified the day before. The result of the group will be further discussed in the plenary sessions and then be brought to the Assembly in Stuttgart.

Facilitator: Peter Prove.

On 1 July, Peter takes up the post of Executive Director of the Geneva-based Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance ( The EAA is a global Christian advocacy network currently focusing on HIV/AIDS and food security issues. Before that, he was the Assistant to the LWF General Secretary for International Affairs and Human Rights. The lawyer from Australia has a vast experience in finding the right words.

2. Conflict Resolution:

To understand basics of methods how to work constructively in conflicts. This workshop gives an introduction into the methods of conflict resolution. The participants will explore analytical tools to understand how conflicts emerge and how people or groups get into conflict with one another. Then, they will look at practical tools that help the conflicting parties to move beyond their conflict. Basic guidelines for conflict resolution and non-violent communication will be discussed and creatively applied to different situations. Participants of this workshop will train the methods of conflict resolution and non-violent communication in role plays within small groups.

Facilitator: Simone Sinn

Simone is an ordained theologian in the Evangelical Church of Württemberg, the host church of the LWF Assembly in Stuttgart. She did her training in conflict resolution in Freiburg (Germany) and currently, she works as researcher at the University of Münster (Germany) in a program on religion and politics.

3. Drama:

During this workshop the participants are going to use different theatrical exercises, to get to know each other and to get the creativity started, and hopefully having a lot of fun on the way. They use improvisation and train themselves to be present in what they do. Together they will develop a short play that illustrates one of their key issues.

Facilitator: Maria Carlander

Theologian Maria Carlander is currently working as a coordinator for a youth exchange program in the Church of Sweden, where young people from Sweden, Tanzania, Costa Rica and Brazil get the chance to experience each other’s church and country for three months.

4. Photography

Some pictures are able to carry a message more powerfully than word ever could. How photographs can be used in order to convey a message - that is the topic of this workshop. The participants are working on one of the priority themes that have been identified the day before and are trying to convey the essence of it in the language of images. They are going to look for ways to get the message across by using a camera skillfully.

Facilitator: Michael Angelious

Since 2005, Michael Angelious is working as the Programme Secretary at the Youth Desk of the Jeypore Evangelical Lutheran Church also serving as one of the Vice Presidents of the National Council of Churches in India and member of the World Council of Churches’ Commission on Education and Ecumenical Formation. Committed for ecological concerns particularly on Climate Change, Michael has studied Physics and Software Programming and is taking admission in Master in Business Administration. Moreover, he has undergone Training programs on Youth Empowerment for Transformation, Mission Formation, HIV and AIDS, Environment. Interested in Communication and publications, runs a blog for youth work of JELC called . Works among Dalit and Tribal/Adivasi Youth

5.Charing business sessions: A facilitation workshop:

The LWF assembly makes it’s decisions after discussion and then with a majority vote. Both discussions and votes are according the rules of procedures - some of them are straightforward, some not so much. If you feel the assembly should make some important decisions, it will always have to go through this process.
In this workshop, Mikka and Michel are going to introduce the way the assembly works. But even more than that: They are going to train the participants to facilitate meetings under these rules themselves. For a good reason; on Thursday and Friday, the team of workshop participants is going to chair the business sessions of the Pre-Assembly.

Facilitators: Mikka McCracken and Michel Ngoy Mulunda

6. The practice of project management

How do ideas become reality? How can you organize your dreams? How do you feel creativity? How do you make change? Drs Jaap Schep introduces some basic techniques in project management. This is the art to clearly define what change is needed and then sub-divide an action into smaller parts. This way, it is not so difficult any more to actually do it. Do you think, there is change needed in your congregation or community? Here you can learn how to take it on.

Facilitator: Jaap Schep

Dr. Jaap Schep, from the Netherlands, is the Secretary for Project Implementation at the Department for Mission and Development in the Lutheran World Federation. As such, he is responsible for accompanying some 230 mission and development projects in all parts of the world. In addition to that, he is Acting Director for the Department for Mission and Development.

7. Doing theology contextually

Theological reflection on Christian faith and practice has long been in relation to particular contexts, but this has become more evident with the growth of churches and theological work in contexts beyond Europe and North America. This has been reflected in the kind of theological work pursued through the LWF, especially in the recent Theology in the Life of the Church program and the six published books (

The morning session will be an introduction to what it means to do theology contextually, beginning with the daily life questions and challenges people face. In the afternoon session, participants will together do this kind of theological reflection in relation to their particular contexts, as well as exploring the challenges in doing “trans-contextual” theology within a global communion of Lutheran churches, especially where there are significant differences. Participants can elect to attend either or both sessions.

Facilitator: Karen Bloomquist

For the past eleven years, Karen Bloomquist has served as Director of the LWF Department for Theology and Studies. She is an ordained pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, where previously Karen has been a seminary professor and directed the department through which ELCA social statements are developed.

8. Social Media and Social Change

Everything you need to know to create a powerful blog to support your cause. Whether you are an avid blogger or curious to test the waters, this workshop will sharpen your social media skills. Starting a blog is easy and free, all you need is an internet connection and some creativity. In this workshop the participants will discuss how communication strategy is critical to your advocacy campaign or project, and what blogging in particular can accomplish for your cause. They will learn the basics of starting a blog and consider examples of successful social change blogs. The participants will practice how to write with style, tag, hyperlink and integrate applications like Facebook and Twitter. Every participant will have a chance to workshop their idea and will receive a resource packet with tips on blogging and communication strategy.

Facilitator: Emily Davila

Writer and consultant based in Bonn, Germany, Emily Davila is coordinating the LWF Youth Pre-Assembly Media Team. She previously worked for six years representing the Lutheran World Federation at the United Nations in New York where she was an active advocate for youth-led development and women’s rights. While in this role she chaired Ecumenical Women, a coalition of 16 Christian organizations, which launched a popular blog in 2005 to keep in touch with its worldwide membership. She also organized two inter-faith youth peace summits in Kenya and Rwanda. Emily is passionate about communication for social change and thinks young people are important advocates. She holds a Master’s Degree in Strategic Communication from Columbia University.

9. Sticky ideas: production workshop

How do messages stick? How can ideas get hold of people and move them to real action? How can we experience coming out of the Pre-Assembly Youth Conference? Certainly, real transformation is always the work of the Holy Spirit. But we can certainly avoid to stand too much in her way.

This Workshop looks at some theories of change and of messages but will then go much beyond and will attempt to capture the essence of the discussions during the Pre-assembly Youth Conference in a 45 presentation at the LWF assembly. The material is going to consist of the aspects that the participants have discussed and are creating on these days.

The members of the workshop are going to propose the production plan and rehearse with the full group.

Facilitator: Ray Ranker and Roger Schmidt

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