Mr Hasiniaina Robelson Fabian Andriatiana - Madagascar

Pre-council Youth Workshop

Individual Project: by Hasiniaina Robelson Fabien ANDRIATIANA

I’m thinking of creation of an English Club in my congregation then to attract new members among the youth because English is an easy way to get their attention, to make them interested in the workshop. After all, many of the young Malagasy people don’t really have occasion to practice this language even at school (just 2 hours of grammatical session per week, the practice is not enough).

In that way, there will be occasion to talk about climate change, to proceed to bible studies, and many other subjects that concern youth at the same time to improve their English level.

So the club will be based in discussion, debate so that every one can show their idea. I’m planning to invite native speakers or theologian guest to make the club more interesting.

The club will begin on the first Sunday afternoon of October 2008 and during 1 hour and half, then will continue during the 4 next Sundays. When the 5 Sundays passed, this will be evaluation and proceed to a better plan to improve it.

And last but not least, there will be two sessions of planting tree with a short prayer session for the well being of the baby trees during those 5 Sundays to prove that we are really concerned by the environmental protection and this is a proof of being aware of preciousness of God’s creation.

Thank you very much LWF, the experience during the Pre-Council Youth Workshop gives strength to face life with a new idea to make the globe much more better.

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