How does it work?

Before 1 May 2010, all groups get the contact information of their partner groups.

Also included will be a travel guide for our global journey (sent out by email and by post). This guide will help the group to connect, to share and to work together.

The three partnering groups will go through the following phases:

1. Getting to know each other (time needed: At least two group meetings of two hours)

2. Understanding ecological and human concerns in the three contexts (time needed: At least two group meetings of two hours)

3. Planning and implementing a local action (time needed: at least three group meetings of two hours)

4. Celebrating and evaluating (time needed: at least two group meetings of two hours)

All phases include a bible study, the groups can share. There is also background information from the regions and further tips.

The time estimates are very rough. The group meetings will always require some preparation and follow up.

The Lutheran World Federation Youth office will contact the groups on regular basis in order to give updates.

2 thoughts on “How does it work?

  1. matthew koroma says:

    thanks am ready to receive the necessary information

  2. pallav says:

    Me and my group is ready and will really appreciate your cooperation…
    thank u and god bless.

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