Jóvenes Luteranos de Argentina y Uruguay Se Reúnen en Buenos Aires

August 25, 2011 in Church, Latin America/Carribean, Youth, Youth Ministry, Youth participation

Foto: Martin Diaz/Archivo IELU

Por Martin Ignacio Diaz Velasquez.

Comunicaciones IELU.

Jóvenes luteranos de toda Argentina y Uruguay se reunieron durante tres días para celebrar el Encuentro Sinodal de Jóvenes de la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana Unida, en el cual se desarrollo el taller de empoderamiento para las y los jóvenes lideres de las comunidades.

Gustavo Gomez, Pastor de la comunidad de Comodoro Rivadavia llamo a los jóvenes a que ejercieran su empoderamiento, pues ellos planteaban que empoderarse es capacitarse, a lo cual el Pastor agrego ¨podemos estar capacitados para realizar muchas tareas, pero si nosotros no ejercemos esa capacidad no lograremos un verdadero empoderamiento¨.

Muchos de los jóvenes demostraron sumo interés en este llamado, en especial aquellos que provenían de la comunidad de Oberá, una comunidad que se dividió de manera abrupta y que se resiste a desaparecer gracias al empoderamiento que sus jóvenes comienzan a ejercer.

En el marco de este encuentro sinodal de jóvenes se reunió la junta directiva de la IELU, la cual discutió temas de suma importancia para el futuro cercano de la iglesia.

Por su parte el Pastor Presidente, Revdo. Alan Eldrid se hizo presente en el Taller de Empoderamiento de Jóvenes Lideres, en el cual desarrollo de manera muy detallada la historia de la juventud de la IELU.

“If we inform ourselves… we change… if we change, then we stop HIV”

December 14, 2010 in Church, Faith, HIV/Aids, Latin America/Carribean, Life, LWF, Youth Ministry, Youth participation

The Youth Ministry of The Nicaraguan Lutheran Church “Faith and Hope” organized the Sixth HIV Informative Fair which slogan was “If we inform ourselves… we change… if we change, then we stop HIV”

All of this in remembrance of the Protestant Reformation. Since 2004, the The Lutheran Youth Ministry in Nicaragua, organize this fair about HIV where the main focus is on how to prevent HIV. All over these years we have created a space in where all the people, especially young people that live within the church´s neighborhood can inform themselves about HIV prevention and transmission as well.

Every year we begin our activity with a devotion service in which we invite members of our communities all over the country, we also invite people from Nonprofit Organizations and Governmental Organizations that work with the HIV and aids topic and Organized HIV Support Groups for people with HIV or Aids like ASONVIHSIDA Managua, ASONVIHSIDA Masaya, ANIC+VIDA and the HIV Support Group in the Western Region. Within this Devotion Service we, The Lutheran Church, let everyone know what are our thoughts about HIV and aids and the what`s reason of our work with this issue.

Once that we have finished the Devotion Service, we make a little tour around all the different information stands from all the different organizations, who give information about HIV prevention, HIV transmission, HIV myths and taboos, teaching games and different contest of what people have learned.

We also have youth music bands and theater groups that help us through their music and other art expressions, so that they can bring joy and entertainment to all the people that comes to the fair.

This year the youth group putted together a space under a plastic tent, where all the people that came into it could interact, debate, relax, play and express through the art. This tent had different rooms we called: “The Doubt Clinic”, lead by some medical students. “The Trust Little Corner”, lead by graduate psychology students. “The Massage Therapy”, Lead by physiotherapy students and the “Paint Positive on the White Creative Blanket”, lead by young artist. All of them young, future professionals and artist that through their knowledge created a new learning technique about topics like: Dating, sexuality, HIV transmission and prevention, human rights, the importance of doing the HIV test on a voluntary manner, stigma, discrimination, etcetera.

We are proud to be the only church that works the subject so openly here in Nicaragua, and that we can serve as inspiration for other. Together we can end with the stigma, discrimination and ignorance, because it kills more than the disease itself.

Actividades de los/as jóvenes de La Iglesia Luterana de Honduras.

October 4, 2010 in HIV/Aids, Latin America/Carribean, Youth Ministry

Culto en apoyo a las personas viviendo con VIH/SIDA, solidarizándonos con las personas que han muerto y con las que viven con esta enfermedad. En la congregación Camino Emaus Colonia Nueva Suyapa, Tegucigalpa Honduras.

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XXIV Aniversario del Obispado Luterano Salvadoreño

August 28, 2010 in Latin America/Carribean, Youth, Youth Ministry, Youth participation

Por Martin Ignacio Diaz Velasquez.

Durante todo el mes de agosto bajo el lema “No mas Violencia, el pueblo de Dios exige seguridad, tranquilidad y justicia” se celebro el XXIV aniversario del Obispado Luterano Salvadoreño; diversos sectores de la sociedad acompañaron a nuestra iglesia en su celebración y la coparticipación de la Juventud con la ayuda del Consejo Juvenil Nacional Luterano y de la pastoral de la familia del Sínodo dirigida por la reverenda Abelina de Gómez marcaron la energía y espíritu de la celebración. Read the rest of this entry →