Guidebook: LWF together

Here is the overview of the program for LWF together. Follow the links for more information. Go here to learn more about the program.

Here is the LWF together guidebook as pdf in several languages. Just click on the language to download. They are fairly large:

English, Spanish, Bahasa Indonesia, French, German.

Here read and comment on the seperate sections:

Read the Welcome and the Rules.

Phase 1: Getting to Know One Another

1. First contact: Group leaders will get into touch with one another and agree on some basic questions.
2. Presentation: At this stage, you will learn more about the other groups and their communities. You will also present yourselves.
3. Bible study on Psalm 104: The groups will work on a common biblical text. You will share your insights in a creative way with the other groups.

Phase 2: Analysis of the Context and Planning an activity

1. Learning: The booklet offers ways to learn about climate change and the global environmental crisis and Theology and Ecology.
2. Bible study on Leviticus. The groups will work on a common biblical text. You will share your insights in a creative way with the other groups.
3. Analysis of the context. The questionnaire will help you to understand the environmental issues affecting your context.

Phase 3: Implementing an Activity

1. Bible Study on Colossians 1: The groups will work on a common biblical text. You will share your insights in a creative way with the other groups.
2. Pick an issue: You will review the issues that are most important in your community and pick the most pressing one. Share your insights with others and you will learn from theirs.
3. Ideas for Action: Come up with an idea for an activity, plan it, and ask others for support.

Phase 4: Celebrating and Evaluating

1. Bible study on Revelation 21—22: The groups will work on a common biblical text. You will share your insights in a creative way with the other groups.
2. Evaluate: Together with the other groups, share your experiences—your successes and your failures.
3. Celebrate and share: Share what you have learned with your congregation in the form of a short presentation and a prayer—if possible around Reformation Day.

Background from around the World

Perspectives from Brazil

Perspectives from India

Perspectives from the USA

Perspectives from Kenya

3 thoughts on “Guidebook: LWF together

  1. [...] does it work?The logosRegistrationSign-up for Email newsletterGuidebook: LWF togetherWelcomeSome Rules for the groupsEcology and the Current CrisisThe First Contact with [...]

  2. A Guide to Action - a youth group project. | Presbyterian Youth Ministry (PYM) says:

    [...] (Adapted from: [...]

  3. A guide to Action says:

    [...] (Adapted from: [...]

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